mercredi 30 avril 2014

[FREE] AMKAMAL Science Portfolio


We have introduced a new app AMKAMAL Science Portfolio


This is an app for the science portfolio of Andrew Magdy Kamal, one of the most controversy scientists of our time The app includes all of Andrew's project and inventions in topics like: Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Alternative Energy Vehicles, Theoretical Physics, Medicine, Astrophysics, Computer Science, Mathematics and many more. Andrew started inventing and doing lots of cool projects as a teen and went from building things out of kits to modifying them to building things of his own. Andrew's interest in science doesn't stop there. Andrew is also a Coptic Activist and Conservative Philosopher. I hope you enjoy this app and rate as well.


Tab 1: Videos from the science portfolio of Andrew Magdy Kamal

Tab 2: Andrew Magdy Kamal's website and some real cool info

Tab 3: Scientific Articles written by Andrew Magdy Kamal on some controversial subject matters.

Link to google play store:

Requirements: Android 2.2 and Up.

Available for Android.

I recommend you to download this free and awesome app.


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