mardi 25 février 2014

Samsung Galaxy Round: Restore Apps, Contacts and Media Files

NOTE: To learn how to back up your apps, contacts and media files, please visit this link for a full guide.

Restoring Applications:

  1. Log into your Google account, if necessary

  2. Press the "Menu" button from the home screen

  3. Tap "Settings" and go to the "General" tab

  4. Tap "Accounts" > "Google" and tap your "email address"

  5. Mark the check boxes associated with the desired category

  6. Tap "Sync now" to restore your apps

Contact Restore

Restoring Contacts from a Google or Samsung Account:

  1. On your device, sign in with your Samsung or Google account

  2. While on the home screen, press the "Menu" button

  3. Tap "Settings" and go to the "General" tab

  4. Tap "Accounts" and select either "Samsung" or "Google", depending on what type of account you've backed up your contacts initially

  5. Tap your "email address" located at the top of the screen

  6. Mark the "Sync contacts" check box. If already checked, tap "Sync now"

Restoring Contacts from the SD Card:

  1. Tap the "Contacts" icon located on the home screen

  2. Go to the "Contacts" tab

  3. Press the "Menu" button and tap "Import / Export"

  4. Tap "Import from SD card"

  5. Select the account on which you wish to save the contacts, such as "Google". NOTE: if there's only one vCard file on your SD card, the contacts will be automatically imported. If there are multiple contact files, then perform the following:

  6. Tap "Import vCard file" and press "OK"

  7. Select the desired vCard file and tap "OK"

Media File Restore

Restoring Media Files from the Device:

  1. Tap "Apps" while viewing a home screen

  2. Open the "Samsung" bundle

  3. Tap "My Files" > "Device memory"

  4. Navigate to the desired files / folders

  5. Press "Menu" and tap "Select item". Next, mark the check boxes associated with the desired file or folder

  6. Press "Menu" and tap "Copy"

  7. Select "SD memory card" and navigate to where you want to restore your files

  8. Select "Move here" (or "Paste here")

Restoring Media Files from a Windows Computer:

  1. Connect your smartphone to your PC via USB

  2. On your handset, drag the "Status" bar down and tap "Connected as a media device", then mark the "Media device" check box

  3. Click the "Open device to view files using Windows Explorer" in the pop-up window on your PC

  4. In a different Windows Explorer window, navigate to where the files are backed up on your PC

  5. Copy the files, and paste them on your phone's storage. NOTE: the "Card" icon represents the SD card storage, while the "Phone" icon consists in the device's internal memory

  6. Once the transfer process is complete, safely disconnect your smartphone

Restoring Media Files using a Mac Computer and Kies:

  1. Establish an USB connection between your smartphone and Mac computer

  2. On the Galaxy Round, drag the "Status" bar down

  3. Tap "Connected as a media device" and check the "Media device" option

  4. Open Kies on your Mac, and click the "Back up / restore" tab

  5. Click the "Restore" tab

  6. Check the check boxes associated with "Photo", "Music" and any other categories of files that you wish to restore. You can also click "Select all items" if desired

  7. Click "Restore", and follow any additional prompts that may pop-up

  8. After the restore process finishes, disconnect your smartphone

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