lundi 2 juin 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 Active: Add, Import / Export, Manage Contacts and Caller Groups

Managing Contacts

Adding a New Contact:

  1. Exploiter les »Contacts"Icône située sur l'écran d'accueil

  2. Access the "Contacts" tab

  3. Exploiter les »+" button and select to store the contact on the "Device»,«SIM card»,«Google»Ou«Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync"

  4. Enter the contact's name in the appropriate field

  5. Type in the contact's phone number, and add any other type of information that you see fit

  6. When you've finished editing the contact, tap "Save"

Ajout d'un contact à la numérotation rapide:

  1. Exploiter les »Téléphone" icon while viewing the home screen

  2. Exploiter les »Keypad" tab if necessary

  3. Press the "Menu" icon and tap "Speed dial"

  4. Select the number you wish to use for speed dialing

  5. Select the contact that you want to assign to the speed dial number

Suppression de contacts:

  1. Launch the "Contacts" application and go to the "Contacts" tab

  2. Press "Menu"

  3. Robinet"Delete" and mark the contacts that you want to remove

  4. Robinet"Done">"OK"

Importing / Exporting Contacts

Importing / Exporting Contacts from the SIM Card:

  1. Launch the "Contacts" app

  2. Go to the "Contacts" tab and press "Menu"

  3. Robinet"Réglages">"Contacts"

  4. Robinet"Import / Export"

  5. Perform one of the following sets of steps:

    • To export contacts to the SIM Card:

      1. Sélectionnez"Export to SIM card"

      2. Select the contacts that you want to export, or tap "Select all"

      3. Robinet"Done"

      4. Press "OK"

    • To import contacts from the SIM card:

      1. Robinet"Import from SIM card"

      2. Choose an account or the location where you want to import the contacts

      3. Mark the check boxes associated with the desired contacts. NOTE: optionally you can tap "Select all"

      4. Robinet"Done"

Importing / Exporting Contacts from the SD Card:

  1. From the "Contacts" app, go to the "Contacts" tab

  2. Press the "Menu" button

  3. Robinet"Réglages">"Contacts"

  4. Sélectionnez"Import / Export" and perform one of the following:

    • To export contacts to the SD card:

      1. Robinet"Export to SD Card"

      2. Robinet"OK"Pour confirmer

    • To import contacts from the SD card:

      1. Robinet"Import from SD card"

      2. Choose the location where you want to import the contacts

      3. Select to "Import vCard file»,«Import multiple vCard files»Ou«Import all vCard files"

      4. Robinet"OK"

      5. If necessary, select the vCard file that you want to import and tap "OK"

Importing / Exporting Contacts from USB Storage:

  1. Open the "Contacts" app

  2. From the "Contacts" tab, press "Menu" and tap "Réglages"

  3. Robinet"Contacts">"Import / Export"

  4. Select to "Export to USB Storage»Ou«Import from USB storage"

  5. Follow any additional on-screen steps to complete the process

Caller Group Management

Création d'un groupe d'appel:

  1. Alors que sur l'écran d'accueil, appuyez sur l'"Contacts" shortcut

  2. Go to the "Groupes" tab depicted as a "+" symbol under "Favorites"

  3. Robinet"Create" and enter a name for the group

  4. Robinet"Add member" and mark the check boxes next to the contacts that you wish to add

  5. Robinet"Done">"Save"

Adding Contacts to an Existing Group:

  1. From the "Contacts" app, access the "Groupes" menu

  2. Select a group

  3. Exploiter les »+" icon

  4. Mark the contacts that you want to add to the group

  5. Robinet"Done"

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