mardi 30 juillet 2013

How-to: Manage Data Usage; Clear Internet Browser Cache, Cookies, History and more – T-Mobile 768

Data Usage Indicator:

The T-Mobile 768 does not have the option of setting a data usage limit, but you can still view your data usage. Note: the method of measuring the data usage by your phone may differ from the method used by the carrier. To view the data usage indicator:

  1. While on the home screen, select "Menu"

  2. Select "My account"

  3. Go to "Data usage"

Browsing the Web

Opening the First Window:

  1. While on the home screen, press "Menu"

  2. Go to "MobileLife"

  3. Select "Go to URL"

  4. Type in the desired web address, then select "Options" > "Go to"

Opening an Additional Window:

  1. From an already open web page, select "Options" and select "Go to URL"

  2. Select "Go to URL" again if necessary

  3. Type in the desired web address and then press the "Center select" key

Navigating Between Open Windows:

  1. While on an open web page, select "Options" and press "Go to URL"

  2. Navigate to and then select the desired web page

Closing an Open Window:

  1. While viewing an open web page, go to "Options" and select "Go to URL"

  2. Go to the desired web page and highlight it, but don't select it

  3. Select "Options" and then "Delete"

  4. Press "Yes" to confirm

Refreshing Your Email Account to Sync:

  1. While viewing a home screen, select "Menu"

  2. Select "Messaging" and go to the "Email" tab

  3. Highlight the desired email account but don't select it

  4. Select "Options" and then "Refresh this account"

Managing the Internet Browser

Clearing the Browser Cache:

  1. While on the home screen, select "Menu"

  2. Scroll to and go to "MobileLife"

  3. Select "Settings"

  4. Navigate to and select "Browser Options" and then "Clear Cache"

  5. Press "Yes" to confirm

Clearing Browser Cookies:

  1. From the home screen, press "Menu"

  2. Go to "MobileLife" and select "Settings"

  3. Scroll to and select "Browser Options" > "Clear Cookies"

  4. Press "Yes" to confirm

Clearing Browser History:

  1. While viewing the home screen, press "Menu"

  2. Go to "MobileLife" > "Recent Pages"

  3. Select "Options"

  4. Navigate to and select "Delete all"

  5. Press "Yes" to confirm

via Forums de téléphone cellulaire (en français)

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